Refund Policy


We accept returns up to 14 days from the delivery date. All products are insured against manufacturing defects for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase.

Please return the items to the following address. Ballers-Store cannot be held responsible for returns lost in the mail. We therefore strongly recommend that you use a signature on receipt service when returning an item to us.

Note: We require proof of purchase for any requested returns.


If Ballers-Store products have not been used, we will issue a full refund once the item arrives in our warehouse. Please note that return shipping costs must be borne by the customer as we do not offer free returns. Please note that we do not accept returns on personalized products.

Our returns page is designed to make your returns experience as simple as possible, as you will be kept informed every step of the way. However, if this isn't for you, don't panic; you can always return your order by affixing the return label to your package and selecting the shipping method of your choice. We recommend that you use a registered tracking service to keep an eye on your package!


If a Ballers-Store product is damaged during transport, we will return a new one at our expense.

Please do not return a product to us that is damaged, contact us via our contact page .


From receipt of the order confirmation email, you have up to 48 hours to cancel and receive a full refund. After this period, it will be very difficult to cancel the order because it is already being processed.

The buyer is required to pay the return costs in the event of cancellation of an order made after the 48-hour period.